Welcome to St. James Baptist Church

A Discipling Church Ministering Through Reaching, Preaching and Teaching

Sunday Worship Hours

Church Service every Sunday starting at 9:00 a.m.

Communion: 1st Sunday


Bible Study:

Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Wednesday Bible Study at 12:00 noon

Bible Study Notes

Review Bible study notes updated weekly

Prayer Request

Request a prayer from Pastor Lee and the St James Baptist Family


We welcome you to tithe securely and electronically

Adult Sunday School

The call in number, voice only, is 1-646-558-8656 then enter the meeting ID 675 803 4098 # when prompted to do so

"Next Stop, Church Street" The Play

Join us at 4pm February 23rd to enjoy our new play “Next Stop, Church Street” honoring Rosetta Tharpe, and William “Wild Bill” Johnson. We hope to see you there!

Live Broadcasts

Check out our virtual broadcasts for the various events we having going on!